Christmas in Regina



It’s all most here!  Are you ready?

It’s almost Christmas!  Are you ready to celebrate?

We’re ready!   The church is all decorated and sparkling with lights.  Eric and the band have been working long into night. The Kid’s Min crew are ready to party, but who am I kidding, Shauna was born ready for that.  And Peter, well he’s walking around dressed like a cow…funny, I thought I was the only Cowman. Guess you’ll have to come Christmas Eve to find out why.

We are all set for you and your family and friends to join us this Christmas Eve at one of our two Candlelight Services.   We’ve planned our 4 and 7 pm services with you and your family in mind.  The services will be 60 minutes in length and feature great music, lots of stories and a hope-filled message to help you celebrate the birth of our Saviour.

Both services are kid friendly and include our traditional candlelight singing of Silent Night.

In between the services we are throwing a party to celebrate Jesus’ birthday.  Stay after the 4 o’clock service or come early for the 7 o’clock service.   With cake, crafts and a Photo Booth, this is a party you won’t want to miss.

I hope you are planning to join the celebration of Christmas in Regina.

See you Saturday!

Pastor Kirk

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services

Join us at 4 pm or 7 pm for a Christmas Eve experience your whole family will enjoy.


Join us for a celebration of Jesus’ birth.  Stay after the 4 o’clock service on Christmas Eve or come early for the 7 o’clock service for a come and go birthday party for our King.

Year End Giving

Thanks to your generosity and support we only need $36,000 to reach our year end giving goal for 2016!  With no Sunday service this week, a box will be at the information desk where you can drop off your tithes and offering on Christmas Eve.  Financial gifts can also be made online or through the MyLivingHope app. The office will be open from 9 am to 4 pm on December 29 and 30 to receive year end gifts.


Upcoming Events

  • December 24, Christmas Eve Services
  • January 11, Living Hope MidWeek Resumes
  • January 13-15, Winter Youth Retreat
  • February 3-5, Holy Spirit Encounter Weekend
  • February 7,  Pre-School Registration Night
  • February 12, Wildwood Fire and The Dearhearts